Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to our September Colleagues!

Spreading some August Sunshine to those September babies!!

Happy Birthday Shout outs to…

Sandra Rodriguez (Para-Professional)    Sept. 5th
Soraida Plaza (Kindergarten Teacher)        Sept. 12th  
Megan McDivitt (Music Teacher)          Sept. 13th
Yvette Thomas (ESL Teacher)                            Sept. 13th  
Veronica Carrasquillo (ESL Teacher)    Sept. 16th
David Segarra (6th Grade Teacher)           Sept. 23rd  
Jeannette Toro (3rd Grade Teacher)             Sept. 27th  
Maria Rivera (Secretary)                           Sept. 29th
Brien Ling (Phys. Ed. Teacher)                 Sept. 30th
Text Box: The Sunshine Committee will be having the August/September Birthday Celebrations on Friday, September 28th at a location soon to be announced! Make sure to come and get your slice of cake and celebrate!

DID YOU KNOW THE SUNSHINE CLUB HAS A BLOG!!!! For more information, updates and pics of prior events we’ve done so far this year, check out…

Love to the August babies!

Spreading some Sunshine to those August babies!!

Happy Birthday Shout outs to…

Leslie Ellman (Asst. Principal)         August 3rd  
Milton Polo (6th Grade Teacher)        August 9th
Elsy Pierce (2nd Grade Teacher)                  August 14th  
Wanda Bernard (Para-Professional)  August 17th
Desiree Miller (6th Grade Teacher)     August 18th
Jacqueline Perez (6th Grade Teacher)      August 24th  
Desiree Howard (5th Grade Teacher)     August 27th  
Text Box: The Sunshine Committee will be having the August/September Birthday Celebrations on Friday, September 28th at a location soon to be announced! Make sure to come and get your slice of cake and celebrate!

DID YOU KNOW THE SUNSHINE CLUB HAS A BLOG!!!! For more information, updates and pics of prior events we’ve done so far this year, check out…