Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Save the Date!!
The P.S./M.S. 161 Official Retirement/Holiday Party 2012!!

Honorees include…

Assistant Principal Audrey Campbell
Assistant Principal Robin Jackson
Speech Teacher Sheryl Unsworth
RTI Specialist Susan Coleman
Former Sixth Grade Teacher Karen Torrence

Friday, December 7th, 2012

7:00pm to 12:00am

Maestro’s Caterers
1703 Bronxdale Avenue

Bronx, New York 10462

How Much:
$80.00 per person (CASH ONLY)
**You can pay the entire amount all at once or you can break it into two (2) payments of $40. If you need a SPECIAL SETUP PAYMENT please see Mr. Previllon to see if he can accommodate =)!**

Someday we are ALL going to retire from this great profession of ours. So lets restart this old time trend of respecting our colleagues accomplishments and being there, BOTH SEASONED AND BRAND NEW TEACHERS ALIKE, to help show our love and send our colleagues off with a bang!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to our October Colleagues!

 Spreading some September Sunshine to those October babies!!

Happy Birthday Shout outs to…
Yolanda Moran (SBST)                        Oct. 2nd
Maria Lugo (Cafeteria Staff)                      Oct. 5th  
Anna Reyes (Para-Professional)                   Oct. 7th
Linda Sherrod (MS Math Coach)                               Oct. 7th  
Jacqueline Harris (6th Grade Teacher/CTT)     Oct. 8th
Anthony Guyton (8th Grade Teacher)           Oct. 11th  
Kari Jensen (8th Science Teacher)                   Oct. 11th  
Winda DeLeon (2/3 Bridge Teacher)                 Oct. 16th
Carolyn Rosario (5th Grade Teacher)                  Oct. 19th
Jose L. Soto Jr. (Asst. Principal)                                Oct. 22nd
Carmen DelRosario (Health Aide)                       Oct. 25th
Nelson Fernandez (Guidance Counselor)             Oct. 26th
Lucila Hernandez (Family Worker)                                   Oct. 31st
Text Box: The Sunshine Committee will be having the October Birthday Celebrations on Monday, October 29th at a location soon to be announced! Make sure to come and get your slice of cake and celebrate!
DID YOU KNOW THE SUNSHINE CLUB HAS A BLOG!!!! For more information, updates and pics of prior events we’ve done so far this year, check out…