Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Update on Holiday & Retirement Party!


 November 8, 2012

Dear Sunshine Club members, Colleagues and Co-Workers,

 As a result of the many hardships that Hurricane Sandy has caused to a good amount of our Colleagues, the Sunshine Committee has decided to postpone the Holiday/Retirement Party to a later date and to separate the party into two functions.

As of now the Retirement party will take place on Thursday, March 21st, 2013, which is the Thursday before Spring Break. I felt that this was the best date because it is right before Spring break, you have a little more time to organize your money for the event, and it will be warm by then!! =) The venue will still remain the same, at Maestro’s in the Bronx, and as of right now the amount will now go down to $75 per person! =) I also wanted to mention that not only will Audrey Campbell, Robin Jackson, Sheryl Unsworth, Susan Coleman, and Karen Torrence be the retirees, we will also include Adrienne Dixon to the list! =) I will keep you posted.

In regards to the holiday party, I am so excited that so many people have asked about what will be happening this year with the holiday party!! I wanted to have something IN HOUSE AT THE SCHOOL on Friday, December 14th, 2012. A couple of years ago we had a great turnout for a “POT LUCK” holiday celebration, so why not bring it back!! I wanted to have something set up in the gym with a DJ playing some music for us as well as people contributing something to the celebration with a dish (preferably) or drink to have at the holiday celebration. Due to us having a DJ and decorative costs, I am asking for a donation of $10 per person, and yes family is invited!! Since time is of the essence, I would like for you to let me know a few things, so please fill out the portion below and place in my mailbox as soon as you can.

Lets continue to spread some Sunshine by keeping the love and peace amongst each other.

                                                                                          Gabriel-H. Previllon
                                                                                          Chairman of the Sunshine Committee

P.S: There are many celebrations/functions/collections that are happening within the building by various colleagues at times. Please do not assume that all functions that happen in the building are associated with the Sunshine Committee. We are an all inclusive type of committee. =)
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Name: _________________________________________________

Are you coming to the holiday party?    YES or NO

Can you donate something to the party? YES or NO

I plan to bring _________________________________________________________________________________________