Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Birthday to our March Friends!

Spreading some February Sunshine to those March babies!!

Happy Birthday Shout outs to…

Joanna Loewi (Special Ed. Teacher)   March 1st  
Maria Beato (Special Ed. Teacher)      March 12th  
Karina Espertin (4th/5th Gr. Teacher) March 13th
John Flecha (Middle School Dean)            March 13th
Maira Tatis (Kindergarten Teacher)      March 15th
Marisol Rivera (Para-Professional)    March 18th
Lauren Armstrong (Speech Teacher)   March 18th  
Harriet Josephson(Testing Coordinator)March 22nd
Jonathan Meyer (Technology Teacher)  March 27th
Deborah Chun (1st Grade Teacher)       March 29th

The Sunshine Committee will be having the March Birthday Celebrations on a date soon to be announced! Make sure to come and get your slice of cake and celebrate!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Birthday to February Birthdays!!

Spreading some Sunshine to those February babies!!
Happy Birthday Shout outs to…

Brenda Noriega (School Aide)                          February 6th  
Renukah Persaud(2nd Grade Teacher)            February 8th 
Sharon Jones (School Aide)                 February 9th
Samuel Jarrett (Guidance Counselor)       February 18th
Maria Roman(1st Grade Teacher)           February 23rd
Jean Jackson (Payroll Secretary)            February 24th

The Sunshine Committee will be having the 
February Birthday Celebrations on 
Thursday, January 28th 
at a location soon to be announced! 
Make sure to come and get your cupcake and celebrate!