Thursday, March 1, 2012


Spreading some February Sunshine to those March babies!!

Happy Birthday Shout outs to…

Joanna Loewi (Special Ed. Teacher) March 1st

Doris Jimenez (Para-Professional) March 6th

Maria Beato (Special Ed. Teacher) March 12th

Karina Espertin (4th/5th Gr. Teacher) March 13th

John Flecha (Middle School Dean) March 13th

Maira Tatis (Kindergarten Teacher) March 15th

Marisol Rivera (Para-Professional) March 18th

Harriet Josephson (AIS) March 22nd

Deborah Chun (1st Grade Teacher) March 29th

The Sunshine Committee will be have the March Birthday Celebrations on a date and location soon to be announced! Make sure to come and get your slice of cake and celebrate!

DID YOU KNOW THE SUNSHINE CLUB HAS A BLOG!!!! For more information, updates and pics of prior events we’ve done so far this year, check out…

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