Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome back!!


September 10, 2012
Hello and Happy New Year P.S./M.S. 161 Family!!
               Hope your well needed and well deserved summer break was a restful and fun-filled one enjoyed by you and your own families! Welcome back to a new year hopefully with greater and better things on the horizon! This is a new beginning not only the new family members that have joined us, it also is a new beginning for all of us as we strive to improve our crafts fixing all mistakes and misconnections made last year. We, the Sunshine Committee, would like you to know that we too are committed to continually trying to better ourselves to better serve you, our school community.
               The Sunshine Committee has been brainstorming a number of great ideas about how we will better serve you this year. We will continue to set up our STANDARD WAY to SHOW SUPPORT for the ENTIRE school community through both the good times and the bad. We are still asking for a DONATION of $25 from all P.S./M.S. 161 family member to create a FUND which will help give that support equally to all staff members. The money collected from this fund will go towards SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES that are universal to everyone in our school community. So far, the activities that were decided are:
·        Monthly birthdays (one celebration per month for all birthday celebrants in that month. The money will go towards the purchase of one large cake for that months celebrants, balloons, and a birthday card for each celebrant.**July babies will be celebrated with June babies and August babies will be celebrated with September babies.**)
·        Deaths of immediate family members (The money will go towards the purchase of a funeral floral arrangement sent to the family of the Staff Member from the school and a condolence card. If anyone wants to SEPARATELY make a collection for that staff member they are welcome to do so.)
·        Weddings (The money will go towards the purchase of a wedding floral arrangement OR gift card sent to the staff member being married and a card of congratulations.)
·        Some ideas still under discussion and will be updated later are for: Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Retirements, and Lay-offs.
The Sunshine Committee Members will be coming around this week to begin collection of  the $25 from all staff members. Please also understand that if you would not like to participate you are also welcomed to decline. Just know that the Sunshine Committee will still make sure that you receive at most a card for any of the activities stated above, because we still love you!! Remember that our goal is to show support in your times of need and support for the milestones you have achieved!!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone of the Sunshine Committee members!
                                                                                                                                       The Sunshine Committee
P.S: Congratulations goes out to...                                                                       
·        Ms. Desiree Casado (now Mrs. Miller) on her marriage!
·        Mr. Frank DeJesus on his marriage!
·        Mr. Karriem Williams on the birth of his beautiful baby girl!
Anyone has something great that they would like for us to share just inform one of the Sunshine Committee Members and it will be posted in the next newsletter!

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