Monday, January 14, 2013

Collection for Custodial & Security Staff!

Dear P.S./M.S. 161 Family, Colleagues, and Friends,
        The Sunshine Committee, at the request of Ms. Price,  is asking that we continue a tradition of honoring and respecting the great services that our Custodial and Security Staff do all year for us. Something that has been customary in our school is to have a collection made to provide a love gift for them. The money collected will be divided and given to the following service providers...
     S.N: Collection of the Retirement Party Money has begun!! Please give the funds to any Sunshine Committee Member or to Mr. Previllon in room 3-127. Total is $75...We can take installments.

1. Julio Mateo- Building Head Custodian
2     2.  Dave Copeland- Building Fireman
3     3. Collin Kavanaugh- Custodian
4     4. Quindell Singleton- Custodian
5     5. Ricardo Silverio- Custodian
6     6. Keith Morris- Security Agent
       7. *Marisol Rivera- Custodial Helper
 8. *Maria Kelly- Custodial Helper     

Suggested amount is $20 as it needs to be divided amongst many people, but we will accept whatever can be offered. Let us show our custodial and security staff just how much we appreciate them!
If you could please have this donation available by Wednesday, January 16th, 2013 that would be very much appreciated. If not you have until Friday, January 18th, 2013. The goal is to give them their love gift on Monday, January 21st, 2013.                                                                                                                

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